Selling our own services can trigger just about every bit of “stuff” we have!

That’s the conclusion from the input I received from closer to a hundred people.

They shared what – in their opinion – causes people to struggle with selling their services.

I am still organizing the responses but more than half of the responses mentioned Internal Issues such as…

Lack of self-belief, feeling not good enough, lack of confidence, low sense of self-worth, self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, overthinking, fear of rejection, fear of failing, procrastination, need of approval, self-doubt, and the list goes on….

Limiting beliefs can be an invisible, yet impermeable wall for many to be in the service to others with their business,  to the level their true capacity is.

However, when we were born, we all were 100% confident, having no doubt that we are 100% worthy and lovable. 

I mean, have you ever seen a newborn with the self-worth issues I listed above?

It only means that something happened to you, most probably several things happened, that made you conclude that you are somehow less, don’t belong, or that you or what you do doesn’t matter. 

First, we make our beliefs. Then our beliefs make us.

It can be one’s life’s work to resolve childhood issues.

There are many methods to do that, talking therapy, multitudes of self-development methods, and some great thinking model tools, just to mention a few. 

RTT hypnotherapy, through my own experience, is one of the most effective ones.

You might not know but in addition to being a Transformational Business Strategist & Certified Coach to Entrepreneurs, I am also a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, trained by Marisa Peer. 

RTT hypnotherapy helps you to understand how, where, when, and why you formed an opinion that impacts you today, hindering your growth and progress.

Under therapeutic RTT hypnosis, you get more access and more control over your own mind. This allows you to upgrade and update any beliefs that require it. 

You don’t need years of therapy for it. 2-3 RTT sessions are almost always enough.

If you have an issue or concern that you want to free yourself from – and you want my help with it – simply drop me a message via Messenger

Tell me a little bit about your concern so we can chat about how RTT could help you and how potentially working together might look like. 

I do all my work via a secure Zoom room, so as long as the time zones allow finding reasonable hours for sessions, your geographical location doesn’t matter.

Before you message me, I want to address one of the common concerns people, who are interested in RTT hypnotherapy for themselves have…

… it’s the concern about what might come up in hypnosis. 

If you have experienced something traumatic and you are afraid to face it, it’s a valid concern. It’s normal to want to avoid pain, that’s how we are wired.

However, in hypnosis, you are not re-living any of your past experiences. You only review them, you observe them like a detective.

Some of my RTT clients have described some heinous events of all kinds of abuse that they experienced as a child… whilst they remain calm and composed. I have seen people describe past violent experiences of being drowned, suffocated, or beaten… without a trace of panic or fear. 

It’s because they are simply reviewing the past events as part of the process of releasing them.

On the other hand, often the issues that the RTT client is suffering from have a root cause in events that weren’t initially traumatic. 

But the conclusion that the person drew from it at that time, snowballed into something that eventually caused the person to stall.

Sometimes, even if the person thinks they need to work through a mountain of trauma, the root cause for their issues today is something that sounds and seems so harmless that they would never have thought of it. And what you don’t understand, you can’t fix.

Thus far, all clients I have done RTT with have let go of past hurt, understood themselves better, felt lighter, and taken back power they felt they had lost, and upgraded some old programming that didn’t help them to operate as the best version of them, in the roles and responsibilities they have today.

So, if you want to liberate yourself from an issue or concern and re-activate your sense of self-worth and self-confidence, simply send me a message via Messenger

Tell me a little bit about your concern so we can have a short chat about how RTT could help you and how potentially working together might look like. 

I am here for you,


Transformational Business Strategist & Certified Coach to Entrepreneurs





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