You were born with personal power. We all were born with the spirit of power.

Just think of any newborn and how powerful they are – no one can ignore them, especially when they need or want something. Newborns don’t think whether they are good enough, deserving enough, or worthy enough.

Growing up we learned to take care of other people’s needs, too.

Growing up, many of us also learned and experienced things that made us conclude that the power is “out there”, not “in here”.

The younger we are when we make these kinds of conclusions, the more prone we are to project our personal power out, externalize it.

The more we think that other people, events, and situations around us dictate our lives, the more we will have other people, events, and situations that dictate our lives.

The more our personal power leaks out, the more we experience a lack of personal power – albeit it NEVER left you.

The past years working with Entrepreneurs as a Coach has provided me many things and blessings.

One of the things I have discovered is that the lack of personal power is why there are people feeling insecure WITH or WITHOUT money.

People with a good sense of personal power are rarely insecure or without money… in any economic climate.

On the other hand, money that is acquired without personal power often dries up and is lost.

I believe that what you understand, you can fix.

The fastest way to re-claim and re-activate your personal power is to understand where, when, why, and how you draw the conclusion that you are not powerful.

When you understand that, you can upgrade and update your conclusions, alter your deeply-ingrained programming about money, and let go of misconceptions, lies, and doubts many entrepreneurs have about their self-worth and identity, keeping them stuck or holding them down.

We can absolutely do that if you are a solo-entrepreneur and have been growing your income to a sustainable $20K-$40K/month – but regardless of your hard work this level of income has been eluding you and you don’t know why.

We can certainly do that if you are a small business owner who founded and build a company that makes high 6-figures to low 8-figures in annual revenue – but you ended up working for your team and clientele 24/7 and that makes you feel exhausted and lonely.

We can definitely do that if you want to make a transition in your lifestyle or role in your company, perhaps exit from an active role in your business – but you have been waiting for “the right time” for years, don’t know how to actually make the leap, or you’re afraid that pursuing new things will damage what you have created already.

What I know already about you is that you are skilled, creative, and willing to work for the things you want.

I also know that you are strong and rather brilliant, too.

So, when are you going to take back your personal power?

When you are forced to see that those who you gave your personal power to use it for their own agendas, no matter how you try to please them?

When someone gives you permission to do that?

When you make a personal choice to do it regardless of challenges?

It’s totally up to you.

Without a doubt, hurtful things have been done to you and you have been treated unfairly.

I am sorry that it happened to you. And it’s sad that no one can change that.

But what you can do and is your responsibility is to re-activate and re-claim your personal power.

I believe that you use money with integrity. We need more good entrepreneurs WITH money. And we need them NOW.

If you want some help with identifying the CORE PROBLEM that has kept your personal power leaking out, stop it, and reprogram any limiting beliefs about money or renew your identity as a Founder or a CEO, the next step is simple… Send me a message.

Just let me know that you are interested in the different options of my Business Transformation Coaching Programs.

I’ll write back with a few questions and we’ll have a quick chat to see how potentially working together would look like. If we both agree it’s a fit, we can get you enrolled and schedule your first session within a week or less.

As always, I am here for you.

Much love,




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