Sharing this today because so many tell me that they have a marketing problem… and after I take a look at their marketing material, I can see that it’s not really the problem.

You see, marketing becomes rather simple when you know who you want to repel with it.

Ideally, your marketing keeps only your optimal prospective clients engaged.

Because what you write about, what to say and share resonates with them.

If you are not clear what your ideal prospective clients are experiencing and what their specific circumstances are for you to be remarkably helpful, it’s not a marketing problem….

… it’s a connection problem that makes your marketing feel difficult and dysfunctional.

If you’re not clear what qualifiers enable a person to get the FULL VALUE of your product or service, better copywriting not going to fix that.

Because you don’t have a messaging problem.

I doubt that prettier selfies or nicer branding are going to have much impact either…

But what does, is clarity of what specific qualifiers enable a person to get the FULL VALUE from working with you.

If you don’t know what those qualifiers are, don’t fret… you are not alone with it.

Indeed, I’ve never worked with somebody who wasn’t at least a little bit confused or slightly unclear on some things, including their ideal client targeting (myself included).

It’s a self-blindness issue.

Nobody can be fully objective about their own business.

So, if you feel challenged to see who will benefit the most from working with you and how to attract them to you, you are part of one of the biggest entrepreneurial clubs on this planet.

And yet, what you and your business deliver is irreplaceable and precious.

Each and every entrepreneur is unique and special.

What you do and deliver is irreplaceable and precious.

I have had a number of clients who offer similar outcomes to similar target markets.

But none of them – ever – offer exactly the same thing in exactly the same way.

It’s because whom they connect easily with and how their skills, expertise, and experience work together is always unique.  

If you are having trouble figuring these things out, we should have a chat over Messenger and see if I can help you.


Transformational Business Strategist & Certified Coach to Entrepreneurs





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