We can easily be caught up by our temporary circumstances so that we lose sight of the fact that our natural state is joy. 

This does not negate your temporary circumstances or minimize the challenges and how difficult they are for you.

Something that started well for you turned out badly. 

You might feel that you have wasted your time.

Perhaps the circumstances that you are in feel like a prison, someone else holding the key to your cell’s door.

You didn’t expect that after years of being hard-working, kind, considerate, caring, loving, and patient – not perfectly but definitely purposefully – doesn’t seem to add up to what you had in your mind. 

The situation and the issues in your life just don’t connect with that. 

It might look like you have been excluded from the joy, love, prosperity, and peace that others have.

We can become so consumed what is happening in our lives that we miss the truth that despite the circumstances, our purpose is being served to us right now, right here. 

For some of you, your purpose is served through your circumstances – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and eventually will work for your benefit.

The entanglement in the temporary circumstances stops us from stepping out. At best, we can stretch out one leg but then can’t complete the step to fully move forward. 

Constant trying is draining. For many, it’s been for years, or perhaps for decades.

Trying, plus the heavy burden of the circumstantial entanglement, wears down even the strongest.

What if you could take the current circumstances, the whole spectrum of them, chop and dice them, mix them in the right proportions, add some “secret sauce”, bake it in the right temperature for just the right time so it’s not burned or undigestible, but nourishing and maybe even tasty – would you do it?

I am not good at cooking, so I can’t help you with that.

I am the one who brings cucumber and carrot sticks and the dips in to pot luck parties. 

I love and admire my dear friends who magically create incredible meals from a handful of ingredients that to me appear both meager and random. 

What I am really good at is helping others to renew their identity, put their needs and aspirations first, and build a bigger business without stress – so that they can enjoy a better quality of life.

So, if you wish to lay down the heavy burden (that is probably more than is yours to carry) so you can invest your full self in what you want next, here’s what I have for you:

  • If you are a Business Leader, a Founder or a CEO of a 7-figure or bigger business, and want my help in breaking your inner ceilings of success, gain back your mojo, and feel excited again while transitioning to the next season in your life and business, then my premium Executive Transformational Coaching might be a fit for you.


  • If you are a service-based businesswoman building your income to a sustainable $20K/month, then working closely with me one-on-one for the next 90 days might be everything you need to be found, get hired, and be appreciated by your ideal clients – plus reach your income goal. My 90-Day Profit Launch Intensive is something I’ve ever seen before in the marketplace. The investment for the program is still under five figures.

  • If fear, anxiety, and doubt often take your mind hostage –  especially during these times – or you are carrying unresolved trauma, negative looping thoughts, or past hurt, then my Transformational Coaching could stop your unnecessary and prolonged misery and suffering, in just a couple of sessions. The investment for the RTT programs with me starts from less than one thousand.

If one of the above programs gives what you want now, the next step is easy:  send me a Private Message. I’ll write you back and ask you a few questions so that you can tell me about your situation and concerns. We can then chat about how potentially working together could look like, in your case.

Much love,




Sometimes just one conversation can change your life and business. This one could be it. 


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