A Common Myth Many Business Owners Believe

There’s a common myth among business owners that goes like this…“If only I could reach more people… then, I’d just need to get a fraction of all potential clients and my business would flourish.”It’s a marketing fallacy.Because here’s the thing…When you are not...

High Standards as the Way of Life

High Standards as the Way of Life High standards… are not about dedicating your life to pre-defined goals. It’s about your decision how you want to live a life and then making a living within that way of life. There are plenty of people who expect you to lower...

Businesses that take customers hostage

To make more profits, a company split-tested their website. They discovered that removing the “cancel subscription” button and providing a phone number to customer service instead increased the customer lifetime value. True story. Hostage situations always cause...

You Can’t Fake a Daily Practice

You can’t fake a daily practice. The results are inevitable. Deliberately chosen daily practises create change. Daily practises that were not, don’t. Many want to make one big move and get one big change. But a bigger problem is that most don’t possess the skill to...