If your business feels more like a creative chaos, by drafting your Signature System, you’ll feel calm and organized about what you do, and you’re able to talk about your services with clarity and confidence. 

In other words, a Signature System makes your business very marketable

While the Signature System is a GREAT blueprint to create high-value products and programs with ease, the Signature System itself is not a product you sell. 

It’s the process that gives your clients the results they get. Think of your Signature System as organizing your unique process, step by step. Each step has clearly defined outcomes along the way. 

Having a Signature System makes you stand out from the marketplace. By demonstrating that you have the whole process figured out, you’ll gain instant credibility and authority in your niche market.

Just think of being able to clearly describe to your prospect how working with you gets the outcomes your prospect wants. Can you see how beautifully it separates you from the vague vanity marketing that has become so common today?

By vague vanity marketing I mean  “Who wants to get 3 clients this month? Comment below to get my secret system that made me $$$$$ last month” kind of posts. These posts attract an extremely random (and probably rather desperate) crowd. 

Not being able to explain HOW you do WHAT you do keep a lot of people in a pit of quicksand. These people are both service providers AND their clients who often receive as vague advice as the marketing that got them “in” was.

You want only the right kind of people to approach you; those who are in a very specific situation and want a specific outcome that you are very good at helping others to get. 

You want to be crystal clear HOW you work with your clients. This gives you confidence. It protects you from burn out and stops you overwhelming your clients with deliverables that are not required for achieving the wanted outcome. 

If you don’t have your Signature System yet but you’d want to have it now, you watch the Signature System training videos I did in my Women in Mastermind Group. My notes and the steps to creating your unique Signature System are here.

After you have created your Signature System, share it in our group! I am happy to help you with it, just ask what you need help with!

Much love,




Sometimes just one conversation can change your life and business. This one could be it. 


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